Russian Spring Punch

Main Spirit Vodka
Difficulty Easy
Technique Shaken

Created by Dick Bradsell in the 1980s, this stunning red punch is a sledgehammer of a drink. With Vodka, Créme de Cassis, Lemon Juice, Sugar Syrup and Champagne, this drink could have been defined as the perfect seasonal punch.


  • 1 oz. 30ml Vodka
  • 0.5 oz. 15ml Créme de Cassis
  • 0.8 oz. 24ml Lemon Juice
  • 0.2 oz. 6ml Sugar Syrup
  • top top Champagne
Display: oz. ml.


Add all ingredients (except Champagne) to an ice-filled shaker and shake. Strain into a highball glass over ice.


Lemon slice

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