Paradise # 3

Main Spirit Gin
Difficulty Easy
Technique Shaken

With a thick, syrupy texture and a rich, fruity flavour, Paradise #3 should really be your #1. The Gin & Apricot Brandy Liqueur plays nicely with the Passionfruit and neither are overwhelmed by the Orange Juice.


  • 1 1 Passionfruit
  • 2 oz. 60ml Dry Gin
  • 0.75 oz. 23ml Apricot Brandy Liqueur
  • 0.75 oz. 23ml Orange Juice
Display: oz. ml.




Cut a Passionfruit in half and scoop out flesh into a shaker. Add other ingredients and shake with ice. Fine strain into a chilled Martini glass.


Orange zest twist

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